Blog competitor analysis

Blog competitor analysis: How to research blog competitors [2023]

Blog competitor analysis is researching your blog competitors to learn from their processes, and use that knowledge to run & improve your own blog. Keep reading. How to conduct a blog competitor analysis Blog competitor analysis can be broken down into 3 major sectors: Find blog competitors To find your…

Guest Blogging: Is Guest Blogging Dead?

Guest blogging: Is guest posting dead? [4 reasons explained]

With Google’s consistent spam updates, especially the latest one, several link building methods are in danger. Including guest blogging.  With 60% of bloggers writing guest posts monthly, these updates affect the entire blogging industry.  Is guest blogging worth it? [2023] In this article, we’ll cover 4 reasons why guest blogging…

Ad Monetization: How to monetize a blog with Ads [$33+ per 1000 views]

Most bloggers start a blog to monetize it with Ads. Ads are best monetized on a blog.  Because Ads require a large user base to be consuming content. And amongst that content, ADs can be slid in. Almost all content is monetized by Ads.  All social platforms including Youtube, Instagram,…