78 Best blogging tools for starting a new blog [Guides & Reviews]

Start a blog while being backed up with blogging tools, software and services that make your blogging journey simple and successful. 78 Blogging tools to boost your blog In this article, we will cover 78 blogging tools [FREE and Premium]. The main categories of tools are shown below.  This list…

Blog competitor analysis

Blog competitor analysis: How to research blog competitors [2023]

Blog competitor analysis is researching your blog competitors to learn from their processes, and use that knowledge to run & improve your own blog. Keep reading. How to conduct a blog competitor analysis Blog competitor analysis can be broken down into 3 major sectors: Find blog competitors To find your…

Guest Blogging: Is Guest Blogging Dead?

Guest blogging: Is guest posting dead? [4 reasons explained]

With Google’s consistent spam updates, especially the latest one, several link building methods are in danger. Including guest blogging.  With 60% of bloggers writing guest posts monthly, these updates affect the entire blogging industry.  Is guest blogging worth it? [2023] In this article, we’ll cover 4 reasons why guest blogging…

Ad Monetization: How to monetize a blog with Ads [$33+ per 1000 views]

Most bloggers start a blog to monetize it with Ads. Ads are best monetized on a blog.  Because Ads require a large user base to be consuming content. And amongst that content, ADs can be slid in. Almost all content is monetized by Ads.  All social platforms including Youtube, Instagram,…