How much do blogs make [17+ New Stats revealed; 2023]

How much do blogs make?

How much do blogs make? They can make $1 000 000+ [The Copyblogger blog makes $30 000 000+] or as little as $0 [Explained later]. 

This article will cover how much money blogs make, & how much you can make blogging + a case study

How much do blogs make?

How much can you make blogging [Survey Case Study]

A blog can make money in several ways. We discuss this in depth in our guide on the 9 blog monetization methods. But, let’s focus on the numbers behind blog monetization.

How much do blogs make monthly?

According to our case study, you can make over $20,000 if you’re part of the top 3%. 

And you can make less than $100 if you’re part of the bottom 43%. 

These values come from surveys focused on blog revenue. The chart below shows a list of how much each percentile of the blogging industry makes. 

3 surveys were taken to build this data & to create a better estimate of the percentage in each income bracket. 

Table for monthly income VS number of blogs

The pie below represents the average survey percentages. 

Almost half the blogs make less than $200 a month. 

Which isn’t really motivating for someone like you who’s trying to get into blogging. But there’s a reason for it [Discussed later]. 

The other half of blogs make $200$20,000+ a month. 

Pie chart for monthly income VS number of blogs

The graph below represents the same average survey percentages in a bar chart for better understanding.

Bar chart for monthly income VS number of blogs

How much do blogs make yearly?

From the case study above:

  • The top 50% of the blogs make upwards of $2,500 a year
  • The bottom 50% make less than $2,500
  • The top 25% roughly make $25,000 a year.
  • And the top 3% make upwards of $250,000 per year.

How much does a blog make per post?

Per blog post, a blogger can make as little as $0 & up to their total blog revenue. 

Most of the revenue arrives from a few top-performing posts. Whereas the rest of the posts don’t bring in a dime. 

But their existence makes the top posts perform well. Therefore, how much bloggers make per post will vary [This is the purpose of building topical authority].

How much do bloggers make per year [As a job]

As a salary, bloggers make the following salary per year:

On average, blogging provides a yearly salary of $48,580.6.

Which blog makes the most money

The graph below displays the richest blogs today. [Based on their yearly revenue from 2020]. 

With the online industry only propelling, these blogs are bound to be making far more today.

Bar chart for richest blogs in existence

Or if you want to just look at the data itself.

Envato Tuts+$10,000,000
Smashing Magazine$5,200,000

Even amongst these giants, we didn’t mention a certain blog. Because it would stomp over the ones above. 

The richest blog in existence is HuffPost sitting at $500,000,000 a year.

How much does the average blog make?

The average blogger makes $0 – 1000 a month, [using our above survey], which equates to over 60% of the blogs. 

The rest of the 40% makes $1000$500,000,000 [Huffpost yearly revenue]. 

Blogging is similar to a sales job. The average salesperson won’t make money. 

Only the top few who put in consistent & maximum effort earn a fortune. 

How does the average blog make money?

The average blog uses the 2 most common methods: Affiliate marketing & ads

For affiliate marketing, the average blogger will become an affiliate to common platforms like Amazon that pay little commission [Amazon commission rates are 4% – 20%]. 

But, despite the low commissions, getting conversions is somewhat guaranteed. 

Because major retailers like Amazon & Walmart already have immense credibility, & customers won’t think twice to convert through them. 

And when they do, bloggers will get their commission. 

For ads, the average blogger will sign up with Google AdSense which pays approximately $8 – 20% per 1000 page views on an ad. 

It’s not much, but if you generate more pageviews in the 100 000s, you’ll serious money. [Do you know the 13 methods to grow your blog’s monthly search volume?].

And, most bloggers don’t improve their business methods & stick to these, so they don’t make much in the long term.

And others start with very niche topics or topics where there is no money. [Learn how to choose a niche for your blog]

How much money do blogs make [Industry based]

Below is the revenue blogs generate based on niche. The data was obtained from Bloggingherway.

How much do fashion blogs make?

A fashion blog makes, on average, $6215.125 [Average taken from 8 fashion blog income reports]. 

Below is a graph representing fashion blogs VS their monthly revenue generated [ranging between $400 to $20,000].

How do fashion blogs make money?

A fashion blog makes money mostly via sponsored content where they promote brands. Other business methods include affiliate marketing & ads.

How much do food blogs make?

A food blog makes, on average, $9679.81 monthly [Average taken from 27 food blog income reports]. The income ranges between $400 – $100,000.

How do food blogs make money?

A food blog makes money, primarily by providing cooking recipes in the form of checklists, ebooks, or video courses. Secondary methods include affiliate marketing & ads.

How much do travel blogs make?

A travel blog makes, on average, $9809.63 monthly [Average taken from 41 travel blog income reports]. The income ranges between $10$150,000.

How do travel blogs make money?

A travel blog makes money, primarily, via sponsorship reviews, & affiliate marketing. Other business methods include ads.

How much do personal finance blogs make?

A personal finance blog makes, on average, $14815.82 monthly [Average taken from 45 personal finance blog income reports]. The income ranges between $60 – $145,000.

How do personal finance blogs make money?

A personal finance blog makes money, primarily, via consultation/ coaching & affiliate revenue. Other business methods include ads & ebooks.

How much do lifestyle blogs make?

A lifestyle blog makes, on average, $4424.74 monthly [Average taken from 46 lifestyle blog income reports]. The income ranges between $110 – $42,000.

How do lifestyle blogs make money?

A lifestyle blog makes money primarily via coaching, affiliate marketing, & ads.

How much do DIY blogs make?

A DIY craft & home blog makes, on average, $6365.59 monthly [Average taken from 17 DIY craft & home blog income reports]. The income ranges between $70 – $25,000.

How do DIY blogs make money?

A DIY craft & home blog makes money primarily via tutorial courses, ebooks, affiliate marketing & checklists.

How much do Mom blogs make?

A mom blog makes, on average, $3939.54 monthly [Average taken from 24 Mom blog income reports]. The income ranges between $350 – $12,500.

How do mom blogs make money?

A mom blog makes money primarily via coaching/ consulting courses & affiliate marketing. Secondary methods include ads.

How much do health/ fitness blogs make?

A health & fitness blog makes, on average, $8192.80 monthly [Average taken from 9 health & fitness blog income reports]. The income ranges between $130 – $30,000.

How do health & fitness blogs make money?

A health & fitness blog makes money primarily via challenge courses, affiliate marketing & ads. Secondary methods include sponsored content from other businesses.

How much do business blogs make?

A business blog makes, on average, $25831 monthly [Average taken from 23 business blog income reports]. The income ranges between $1100 – $141,000.

How do business blogs make money?

A business blog makes money primarily via affiliate marketing, ads, courses, & consulting/ coaching.

How much do fashion/ beauty blogs make?

A fashion & beauty blog makes, on average, $6215.13 monthly [Average taken from 8 fashion & beauty blog income reports]. The income ranges between $400 – $21,500.

How do fashion & beauty blogs make money?

A fashion & beauty blog makes money primarily via affiliate marketing. Secondary methods include ads & selling personal products.

How much do online business blogs make?

An online business blog makes, on average, $24413.50 monthly [Average taken from 8 online business blog income reports]. The income ranges between $6500 – $50,000.

How do online business blogs make money?

An online business blog makes money primarily via affiliate marketing, courses & ads.

How long does it take to earn from blogging?

It takes up to 24 months, on average, to earn from blogging. How long it takes depends on several factors including the 

  • Blog niche
  • The competition
  • The content quality
  • Content output rate

Many blogs start earning in less than 6 months & others take over 3 years to earn anything at all. 

Which blogging niches are MOST profitable?

  • Money/ finance
  • Business
  • Product testing [Reviews, comparisons, ‘Top’ lists]
  • Health & Fitness
  • Food/ cooking

Why most blogs make LITTLE money

Most blogs don’t make much money because they don’t consider their blog like an actual business. 

Most blogs are either created as a marketing method to sell a product. And others are created as side hustles people want to try out. 

Only a select few are made with the pure intention of turning the blog itself into a money-conversion machine. 

Suppose the blog is created as a marketing method. Usually, the writers who work on it aren’t well-versed in SEO. 

They may know a little ON page SEO, but they won’t know about SEO as a whole. [Learn how in depth blog post SEO really is]

To provide an example of blogs that are created as marketing methods: All businesses & startups out there build a blog on their site thinking it’ll get them ranked. 

They start writing out thought leadership content to show themselves as the best in their industry [Check any startup out there, they’ll have thought leadership content in their blog]. 

The problem is, such content is pointless because no one is searching for it. 

Instead, if they started creating content around addressing questions users have in their niche, that will lead to a successful blog. 

They miss the simple concept of doing keyword research using any tool. 

Not doing proper keyword research & writing content that people will search for is the #1 reason why most blogs get terrible results. 

What people search for has to do with the search intent. Understanding search intent is a simple procedure but most don’t consider it.

The other type of blogs is the ones created as side hustles. Not enough effort is put into them & the owner doesn’t have proper blogging knowledge. 

Without putting in immense effort, no business will succeed, including blogs. 

When starting out, you need to write a lot of good quality content [Start with at least 3 blog posts a week], & build internal links along with designing your website for conversion. 

Most owners don’t even write a single blog post a week. 

Only a few blogs have proper blogging knowledge & SEO knowledge & put in the time & effort to make the blog a real business. 

So, don’t get underwhelmed by the few successful results, because only a few people think of a blog as a business.

Make money blogging FAQ

How do bloggers earn?

Bloggers earn through affiliate marketing, ad sense, as well other 7 other blog monetization methods.

What type of bloggers make the most money?

Bloggers in the personal finance, health & fitness, as well as the food niche, make the most money. Because these 3 niches have the most user searches. Other niches that make money are discussed in the article.

Is blogging profitable in 2023?

Yes, blogging is still profitable in 2023. There are several untouched niches where bloggers are needed. And there are new niches forming on a daily basis. And with every niche, there is an opportunity to make revenue from ads & affiliate marketing.

Is there a demand for bloggers?

Yes, there is a high demand for bloggers. With the importance of content creation spreading amongst businesses, especially SEO, bloggers have become far more valuable for business growth.

How much can beginner bloggers make?

Beginner blogs can start making $100 – $1000 a month from ads & affiliate marketing in 6 months within most non competitive niches.

Can you make 10k a month blogging?

Yes, making 10k a month blogging is very much realistic. As discussed in this article, the top 3% make over 1 000 000 per year.

What percentage of blogs are successful?

40% of blogs make over $2500 per year. And the rest barely make $100. This is mostly because bloggers don’t consider their blogs as business. And, therefore, don’t take them seriously. But, the few who do, make a fortune.

Can I make money blogging about my life?

Yes, you can make money by blogging about your life. But, that is only if you’re someone important. Like Elon Musk, or Bill Gates. If not, then you must realize that no one really cares about you. So, they won’t bother reading a blog on your personal life. But, if you write about a certain niche, where you are personally involved, you can make money blogging about your life. Only when it is related to a specific niche, & not about everything.