How to build a plan for blog post topics [2023 beginners guide]

We covered different methods for finding blog post topics, but, writing articles without a proper plan is pointless. 

Plus, Google finds it hard to understand what your blog is supposed to have expertise in. 

So, keep reading to learn how to create a proper content strategy that can make your blog grow exponentially in the long run. 

Creating a strategy for blog post topics

  1. Outlining Your Blog Strategy
  2. Identifying Your Core Blog Topics
  3. Expanding Your Topic List
  4. Filtering and Grouping Your Topics
  5. Identifying Potential Headlines

1. Outlining your blog strategy

Your blog should first focus on one niche. Niche is a certain topic. Fitness, health, food, business, toys, fashion. 

These are all niches. Next, you need to dive deeper within your niche to find a subcategory or a subniche. If fitness is your niche, then protein powder is one subniche. 

2. Identifying your core blog post topics

With a subniche, you want to conquer it now. 

Start researching blogs, blog posts, social posts, videos, questions asked, discussions made, and everything else that is related to your subniche. 

Use them to create blog post topics that answer all questions within that sub niche. Now, it’s not enough to cover everything within the subniche. 

You have to connect all your blog posts with serious internal linking. Plus, you want to have a set of pages that you want readers to ultimately land on. 

I call these pages fortress pages. Fortress pages are where you want to make big money. 

They should focus on earning revenue through affiliation, ads, courses, products, and/ or building an email list. Google will now consider you to be an expert in that topic.

3. Expanding your list of blog post topics

The sub niche mentioned above has to be very small. If you plan to answer every possible question for a subniche, it makes it easier if it’s a smaller topic. 

So, protein powder [subniche mentioned above] is a subniche, but it’s still too big of a topic. So, you’ll have to niche further down. 

You’ll understand when you start creating a list of all those questions. 

Many questions will have several sub-questions that will require their blog posts. 

So, as you start creating the list, you’ll understand how much you’ll have to niche down. 

But, once you find yourself a decently sized subniche and have answered every question in that sector, it’s time to move up. 

Yes, niche up. Place your focus on a new subniche that is still close to your previous subniche. And repeat the process. 

4. Filtering and grouping your blog post topics

As you start writing more blog posts and expanding your list of blog post topics, you’ll realize how much you need to filter and group topics. 

Remember, you want to show Google you’re an expert in certain areas. 

Therefore, when creating topics, you’ll have to think more about where a certain topic needs to be added, so it doesn’t ruin your expertise level. 

To give an exaggerated example, if you’re consistently talking about juices, and randomly talking about cars in between, that’s weird. 

It won’t penalize you, but it will reduce your exponential growth. A great method to filter and group topics are to check the keywords used in the blog post topic. 

If a blog post topic is closely related to a subniche, it should have the sub niche keyword as part of it. 

If it doesn’t, it’s not close enough of a topic to write about for now. Though, it can be added to the list for when you start to niche up. 

5. Identifying potential headlines

As said earlier, you want to cover everything within a subniche. Which means you answer all questions out there. 

Check out the different methods you can use to find blog post topics. 

But, make sure to use these methods smartly and focus on gathering topics focused on one subniche only. 

Plus, when creating blog post topics, always place them in search and check out the blog posts already out there. 

Remember, you want to have blog posts structured similarly to them. 

Because, these posts are providing the right search intent, blog post lengths, and SEO capabilities to rank on the first page for that topic. 

6. Create a priority list for blog post topics

Now you have a list of topics. But which ones should you prioritize writing first? Each blog post will have a level of importance. This level is based on 

  • How big of a role does it play in its topic?
  • How much search volume does it have [Compared to search volume of the topic keyword]
  • Relevancy to the topic. [Some posts are more closely related than others are even though they’re all related]

This needs to be assessed for each topic. It’s similar to the strategy of finding clusters, but doing it on a deeper level. 

You will be writing blog posts for all the topics, but you want to do it in an organized manner.

7. Thinking about turning blog posts into an income source

Once you churn out enough content, you’ll start seeing traffic on your site. Now, you can check out methods to make money with your blog posts. 

There are several methods to make money with your blog posts that include affiliate marketing, ads, sponsors, etc. Create 3 types of posts:

  • Informational posts
  • Income building posts
  • Information + income building posts

Keep in mind, Google hates if a website is only putting out content to make money. The ratio to stick with is 70 – 30. 70% informational content and 30% income building content.