How to write a blog post introduction [2023 FREE Template]

The blog introduction is the most vital section of a blog post. Despite that, we all write random & useless intros just to get over it.
But, IF you write a solid blog introduction:
- Visitors will get hooked & CONTINUE reading. [And important element to keep blog post traffic]
- Google will give YOU an SEO boost.

Blog post introduction template
In this article, you’ll take away a blog introduction TEMPLATE to use for ALL your upcoming blog posts.
Yes, you no longer have to take 17 hours to write the perfect intro. 15 minutes will suffice. And yes, it will ALSO be SEO optimized. Keep reading.
Choose a blog introduction type [Step 1]
First, we’ll discuss the 5 blog introduction types. Choose any one of these [Or combine them] to build your introduction on.
The question solution blog introduction
The question solution blog introduction works by asking questions on the topic. Not simple questions.
But questions that build concern. Here is an example:
Blog introduction example
For example, suppose a blog post is on marketing. Potential questions include:
“Wonder how the average business loses mass revenue? Marketing your solutions is just as important as building them.
Despite that, why do so many businesses fail at taking advantage of marketing? …”
In the above introduction, I ask two questions. Both aim towards the negative effects of not doing marketing.
The questions could instead have been, “Wonder how the average business can grow its business exponentially? Without murdering its competition?”.
The questions need to build a level of suspense. This can be done through building tension, or by being positive along with cracking jokes [Without murdering their competition].
The problem solution blog introduction
The problem solution blog introduction displays the problem immediately. And then pops open the solution.
This concept is used in most advertisements for a reason.
Displaying the problem beforehand already prepares the mind to enter a state of negativity.
At that moment, even a bad solution will feel like a saviour.
Blog introduction example
Here is an example of the problem solution in an introduction for a blog post topic on marketing:
“Without marketing, the growth of a business is strained exponentially. A business runs on clients.
And marketing brings in clients. So, IF marketing isn’t your business’s forte, you won’t last long.
But, Not to worry. In this article, we’ll cover the original marketing methods that bring in your first 10 clients.
First 100 clients.
And first 1000 clients.
From Guerilla tactics to Global marketing strategies, this article will cover it all.
You’ll be taking away core marketing methods that WILL grow your business revenue exponentially. In 15 minutes. Keep reading.”
In the blog introduction above, the problem is displayed. In a bold manner. Which creates initial tension.
Remember, tension isn’t bad. Our brains are fine tuned to always stress out.
So, it’s good to make your customers stress about their issues. Because once they are, you hit them with your solution, which will solve their problem.
Not only have you hooked them hard, but they now also consider you a messiah.
The choice comparison blog introduction
The choice comparison blog introduction works for articles where you provide a certain solution or strategy which is an alternative to the common or most obvious one. Here is an example:
Blog introduction example
For example, suppose your article is on car wrap, and how it’s supposed to be good.
You can make it look better by clashing it against a meta, which would be car paint [Car painting was the original method to change the look of a car]. Here is an example:
“Car wrapping has become the new solution for changing the look and feel of your car. With good reason.
It outcompetes the original method of simply repainting the car, in countless ways, discussed in this article.
Yes, car wrapping is the optimal choice, BUT how superior is it to car painting? Keep reading.”
Now, for an intro like this, you may have to change up your blog post structure to factor in the parts where you compare both options.
But, it’s worth it. Users love comparing choices. And with a blog introduction like that, there will be a serious build of suspense.
And that will hook them hard. All it took was a simple comparison. I used this very method when writing an article on Topical authority.
Which is a strategy to rank high on Google. And I compared it to backlinking methods. Which made a comparison.
So, it was no longer about how good topical authority is, but rather, how much better topical authority is to the meta of building backlinks.
The story introduction
The story introduction starts the blog post off with a story or something for the reader to imagine.
The concept is to have a story or scenario running in their mind.
Story blog introductions work great because users spend more time on the intro, and get more invested in the article.
So, they’re more likely to continue reading.
The fact based blog introduction
A fact based blog introduction showcases statistics and raw data.
Everyone loves data. It’s pretty easy to hook readers with numbers backed up by data.
And by pairing this up with one of the above intro types, you’ll have one banger intro.
Blog introduction example
Here is an example of a data based intro:
“A whopping 77% of countries get tax rebates. But what about the other 23%?
You’ll be surprised to find out that these countries are paying, on average 23% more in taxes.
It’d be logical to avoid generating revenue in these places.
Only if there was a list of these countries so you could stay away from them.
Luckily, this article will go over that very list of countries. Keep reading.”
This article would be an interesting read regardless. But, the data, made it far more enticing.
And it built far more tension because readers now have a number to base their thoughts on.
This fact based intro was paired up with a question & problem solution intro.
That sums up the different blog introduction types you have in your toolbox. Onto the next step.
The blog introduction should explain the value [Step 2]
With one of the above openers, follow up with what the article will provide.
Tell them what the article will discuss.
Blog introduction example
For example, if the article is a How To guide, tell them, “In this article, you’ll learn How To do blah blah in X steps”.
If your article is on a list of best practices, tell them, “In this article, you’ll learn X best practices to do blah blah”.
Always ensure they know what they’ll be reading, and spending their precious time on.
Make the blog introduction SEO optimized [Step 3]
The blog introduction should be SEO optimized. Which means, it should have the focus keyword. [Use our keyword research guide to find the right focus keyword]
The focus keyword should be in the first sentence. And, atleast once in the rest of the intro.
This gives Google early signs of what the content will be about. Remember, first impressions matter. Even for blog posts.
And by ensuring the keyword is in the intro, you’ll rest assured your intro won’t go off topic.
Next, consider the search intent of a user that will potentially read the blog post [Need a reminder of how to determine the search intent?].
And address their search intent in the intro. This is to reassure them that this blog post is intended for their problem.
And that sums up the template to build a blog introduction.
Here are two more things to remember before you start writing those intros.
Ensure your intro remains focused on the keyword and contents of your article. Don’t be vague in any way.
For example, if your article is on “Bed frames”. Make sure you have “Bed frames” atleast twice in the intro.
Make sure the intro is solely focused on “Bed frames”. And that it doesn’t start vaguely with “Beds”.
If you remain hyper focused on your keyword, you will rank better for it. If you don’t, you won’t rank for anything.
Write the intro last
Always write the intro last. Mainly because the intro represents the blog post.
And, you want to first write and finish the article before having a representative.
Because, sometimes, the path of your article, or the outline, may change whilst writing it. [Need a quick guide to building strong outlines before writing the intro?]
If the value you provide changes, you’ll have to rewrite the intro accordingly [If you wrote it beforehand]. So write the intro last.
How to improve your blog post introductions?
Though we provided a template, there are certain things that, by default, can improve an introduction regardless.
- Add a fact or statistic with a number or percent
- Include the keyword
- Tell they what the article will give them
- Anything controversial increases excitement
- Comparisons are battles [Everyone wants to see who wins]
Bonus. Always add a table of contents, where the user can click on the content headings to go to the specific section of your post.
They percieve your blog to be more professional. Because to the average person, having such a feature is pretty top tier [Because most sites and blogs don’t use it].
A blog post introduction should fall between 100 – 250 words. Anything less, and that won’t be much of an introduction. Anything more, and you’ll postpone the real content too much.
A blog post introduction is necessary to immediately inform the user what the blog post will be about. All types of content use an introduction for a reason. Blog posts should as well
The 5 types of blog post introductions are fact based, story based, choice comparison, question – solution & problem – solution.