Earn $3,493 In Commissions Using ONE Powerful Technique John Reveals In His FREE Super Funnel Webinar.

This is the framework to help you build your email list while earning $3K+ commissions on autopilot each and every day… 

Get A 7 Day FREE Trial For The John Thornhill Ambassador Program

In The FREE Webinar, You’ll Get

  • The exact system John and his students have used to generate $23,000,000+ online… and how to implement this in your business.
  • The 3 big reasons most traditional online business models fail… and the ONE missing piece of the puzzle the “gurus” don’t want you to know.
  • How to earn up to $3,493.50 commissions from ONE single conversion… without doing any of the selling.
  • How to activate the 3 proven “profit levers” John’s students are using to make up to $33,078 a month… even if you’ve never made a dime online before.
  • How to get high-ticket automated webinars done FOR you so you can generate sales as an affiliate faster and easier.
  • Plus, how you can partner with me and simply plug into my multi-million dollar business!

What Is The John Thornhill Ambassador Program?

Before answering ‘WHAT‘ the John Thornhill Ambassador Program is, you should first understand ‘WHO‘ the Ambassador Program is for…

Are you tired of the ENDLESS Struggle?

Have you wasted HOURS on a sales funnel that just won’t budge? You painstakingly crafted a funnel, but it feels like it’s going nowhere. No matter how much you tweak and test, the results remain stubbornly stagnant. The frustration is noticeable, and your precious time is slipping through your fingers.

💻 You’re trapped in a digital labyrinth. It’s not just about lacking tech skills; it’s about the constant battle with plugins, coding, and integrations. Every tech-related task feels like an uphill climb. Your dreams are held hostage by technology that refuses to cooperate.

🚀 You’re new to the digital product market, but without a map, trying to navigate uncharted territories. The complexities of product creation, launching, and scaling seem overwhelming. You’re stuck at the entrance, unable to penetrate the market’s secrets.

🚦 While others in your niche race ahead, you’re stuck in a never-ending traffic jam. Attracting the right audience, generating leads, and driving quality traffic feels like an elusive dream. Your online presence remains a well-kept secret.

📝 Crafting content is like an eternal struggle. Writer’s block hits hard, and finding the right words feels like searching for a needle in a haystack. Consistently creating engaging and valuable content becomes an arduous task.

💼 Convincing potential affiliates to promote your products is an uphill battle. You send countless emails, attend networking events, and make persuasive pitches, but the response rate remains dishearteningly low. Building a loyal affiliate network seems like an unattainable goal.

🎓 You don’t have a mentor. In the vast online world, you’re alone. The absence of guidance leaves you second-guessing every decision. You yearn for a mentor who can show you the ropes, someone to navigate the intricate web of online business with.

🌟 Despite your efforts, your brilliance goes unnoticed. The online space is crowded, and your hard work gets lost in the noise. You’re a diamond buried beneath layers of coal.

Sound painfully familiar? If you’re fed up with this relentless struggle, then the Ambassador Program will be the lifeline you’ve been waiting for.

The Ambassador Program

Introducing the Ambassador Program – your ticket to unlocking the secrets of a tried, tested, and proven webinar that can supercharge your sales funnel in just 30 minutes or less!

Imagine having a custom-built turnkey webinar at your fingertips, one that reveals the art of replicating a $1.3 million “super funnel” and effortlessly reaping high-ticket sales on autopilot.

No need for tech wizardry – this program is designed for anyone, anywhere.

But that’s not all. It’s not just about seizing an opportunity; it’s about tapping into a rapidly growing industry set to surpass $1 trillion! We’re talking about a game-changer for beginners, an express route to launching your own digital product business from scratch.

Here’s Everything You Get As One Of John’s Ambassadors:

  1. A licence to ‘steal’ his proven and tested high-ticket webinar funnel. The one he personally uses to land $2,000 coaching clients. Tested and PROVEN. ($25,000 Value)
  2. His “done for you” free report and high-converting opt-in page. It’s a shortcut to expert status… and he’ll show you how to use it to build an email list brimming with potential buyers who look to YOU for solutions. ($10,000 Value)
  3. Your very own custom-built JV page so you can recruit affiliates. You will receive a 25% commission every time one of your affiliates makes a sale. ($5,000 Value)
  4. 99 days of “ready-to-go” email follow-ups. You will earn 100% commissions on any of my lower ticket products and 50% commissions on any affiliate offers you sell. These are offers he personally hand-picked and vetted. Offers that are PROVEN to convert. ($36,500 Value)
  5. His “Traffic Trifecta” training. These closed-door training sessions reveal insider secrets, tips and strategies that you can use to bring in at least 1,000 visitors in the next 30 days. ($2,000 Value)
  6. “Profit From My Proven Funnels” video walk-through. A video training series taking you through the exact steps you need to follow to set up and implement my proven funnels in your business… in as little as 27 minutes (He checked!)
  7. BONUS #1: One guest post per month on my blog. You can include a link back to your webinar or opt-in funnel inside each article. Every time a reader clicks the link and invests in John’s Partnership To Success coaching program, you’ll earn a 50% commission. ($12,000 Value)
  8. BONUS #2: John will promote each of your guest posts to my 10,000+ email subscribers. Every time you write a new guest post, John will email his list and let them know about it. This will drive hundreds or even thousands of readers to your post… often within minutes! ($6,000 Value)
  9. BONUS #3: John will promote each of your guest posts to my 20,000+ social media followers. This will allow you to attract leads from an even wider audience while improving your online visibility and establishing your reputation as an expert. ($3,000 Value)
  10. BONUS #4: A rotating banner ad on the front page of my blog for the next 90 days. This is “done for you” traffic that allows you to tap into a targeted audience of 2,000+ monthly visitors to start making sales almost immediately! ($1,000 Value)
  11. BONUS #5: A rotating signature ad at the bottom of every email he sends for the next 90 days. This ad promotes a $1 7-day trial offer for Partnership To Success that converts like crazy. You’ll earn a 50% commission on any sales you generate through this ad. ($500 Value)
  12. BONUS #6: 2nd-tier commissions from all of your customers. Yes, you can generate a 50/50 profit share with me on the total sales your customers generate and you don’t have to lift a finger. ($10,00 Value)

All valued at a MINIMUM of $82,000

And that’s not all! As an Ambassador Program member, you’ll also receive an exclusive invitation to join our Partnership To Success coaching program. Imagine partnering directly with our team to build and launch your very own digital products. With over 3,000 students generating a staggering $20 million in sales since 2011, our track record speaks for itself.

But what truly sets us apart is our promise: we personally promote each of our students’ products to our extensive email list. When you complete the program, results are guaranteed. Join the Ambassador Program today and embark on your journey toward digital product success!

Click Here To Get A 7 Day FREE Trial For The John Thornhill Ambassador Program

Join John Thornhill’s Ambassador Program Today To Get Access To $55,097+ In Exclusive Bonuses

  • 50% Commissions On Every High-Ticket Sale For Life ($498.50/Sale)
  • 50/50 Profit Share on Second Tier Commissions For Life (50/50 Split)
  • Clone John’s Proven Webinar ($25,000 Value)
  • Your Own Custom-Branded Lead Magnet ($10,000 Value)
  • Custom-Built JV Page ($5,000 Value)
  • 99 Days Of Promotional Emails ($9,900 Value)
  • Traffic Trifecta Training ($997 Value)
  • Done-For-You Banner Ad Traffic ($3,000 Value)
  • Monthly Guest Post On My Blog ($1,200 Value)
  • The “You’ll Make $2,000” Guarantee (PRICELESS!)

Ambassador Program Students Have Made Over $23,000,000 In Sales…

Frequently Asked Questions

Answered by John himself

Q. I’m a complete newbie. Can this work for me?


I’m going to arm you with my PROVEN and tested marketing funnels that you can use ‘as-is’ to start making money right away.

What you’re getting is the result of almost two decades of trial and error and millions of dollars in testing.

I’ve done ALL of the heavy lifting so you don’t have to.

All you have to do is follow the simple 30-minute setup process I lay out in the members and you’ll be ready to start generating traffic… building your email list… and generating cash flow.

Q. I’m an experienced marketer. Can this work for me?

Already making six figures per year?

You probably don’t need this.

But we’ve had dozens of seasoned marketers take part in the program, mainly because they wanted the done-for-you traffic and 99 days worth of money-making emails to make their life easier.

Q. Is it really as easy as you make it sound?

I prefer “simple” to easy.

There’s nothing complex about the whole process.

I show you how to set everything up, step-by-step.

I give you my proven funnels so you can start generating subscribers and making sales.

And I give you 99 days worth of follow-up emails to send so you can continue to monetize your new email list.

Will money rain from the sky?

Absolutely not.

Nothing in life happens that way.

But if you proactively implement what I give you, then I have no doubt you’ll be sending me your success stories fairly soon.

Q. Are you coaching me through it?


My coaching fees start at $2,000 per year.

That said, you know me:

I’m always striving to ensure people feel happy, supported, and don’t have any lingering questions… so my inbox is always open to help out.

Q. How do I access the content?

Everything takes place inside a private, password-protected members area. You will get access to the members area as soon as you purchase. 

Here you can attend the special welcome webinar, watch the step-by-step training videos, set up your funnels, import your follow-up email campaigns, download all the bonuses and request support.

Q. Is there a Facebook group?


People waste way too much time on Facebook as it is (me included). 

If you need anything, you have direct access to me via my support desk.

Q. How does this compare against similar programs? What do you offer that I can’t get from somebody else?

First of all, to my knowledge nobody else offers anything even close to this. 

Sure, there are lots of people selling “get rich online” programs. None of whom have my 20+ years of online marketing experience and the stellar reputation I’ve earned in this industry. 

And none of those questionable “make money online” programs provide anything even close to the tested and PROVEN tools and training that my Ambassador Program gives you. 

I’m taking you under my wing and providing you with EVERYTHING you need to start your own wildly profitable online business.

Second, with the done-for-you traffic bonuses you could start generating cash flow within only 24-48 hours. So if you’re willing to follow my simple instructions, it’s possible to start making money very quickly.

Q. What else do I need?

All you need is a Clickbank account (free) and an Aweber account. The ClickBank account is free and you’ll pay just $20 a month (based on their annual plan) to use Aweber. 

Q. How do I get paid?

Commissions from all sales generated are paid into your Clickbank account immediately. The money is then automatically transferred into your bank account every Wednesday.

Q. I’m not technical. Can I still do this?

Yes! You don’t need any special skills whatsoever. 

EVERYTHING you need to start building an email list and making money has already been done for you, which means it’s all point and click simple. 

Inside the members area, I provide you with full training showing you how to get everything set up step-by-step.

Q. How long does it take to set everything up?

You can literally be up-and-running in under 30 minutes from now.

Q. The $997 price seems a little high.

Compared to what?

I get paid $2,000 for coaching.

I get paid as much as $10,000 for 1-on-1 consulting.

The Ambassador training alone… with all the tools and licences you get with it… is worth a minimum of $73,000.

Based on all that, $997 is a screaming bargain. In fact, I’m planning to raise the price very soon. But it’s not too late for you to get involved at the current low fee of $997.

Some small thinkers might think the $997 fee to get access to a battle-hardened, proven system like this is “expensive.” (Although it’s actually MUCH less expensive than staying where you currently are!)

Well, here’s what I’ve found:

People who think the fee for this program is “expensive” are usually cursed with a poverty mindset instead of an INVESTOR mindset.​

You see, many of the people who have invested in this are seeing a positive ROI in only a handful of weeks. And although it’s not typical, a few have gotten a positive ROI in only days. 

If you’re the type of person who’s stuck in poverty thinking… and you view the fee for this program as an expense instead of an investment in yourself and your future… you can do one of two things:​

You can choose to not make the investment… and consequently lose out on the MASSIVE upside and HUGE potential right now… 

Or you can invest in yourself and feel GREAT about it because you finally have control over your financial future and peace of mind. 

With only one caveat, that should go without saying: 

You must be willing to follow some simple instructions and actually implement what I give you.

Listen, at only $997 this could be not only the biggest bargain you’ve ever got, but also the best investment you’ve ever made. 

Q. In addition to the Ambassador licence fee, how much startup capital do I need?

As we host everything for you there is no need to pay for hosting.

In fact, you only need to invest in an Aweber autoresponder account so you can email your subscribers.

You’ll pay just $20 a month (based on their annual plan) to use their service. The price will increase as your subscriber base increases but the cost for Aweber will be insignificant compared to the revenue you can generate from your mailing list.

As a sidenote! After investing in The Ambassador Program an Aweber account will be the most important investment you make for your business as the money is in the list.

Q. What if I need support?

I take great pride in the support I offer and I will be here to help you every step of the way. You will have unlimited access to me PERSONALLY via email for as long as you need it.

Q. Is this GDPR compliant?

Yes. This whole setup is GDPR compliant.

Q. I am having problems ordering, can I get immediate help?

If you have any issues placing your order please click here to contact ClickBank support. You can use their live chat feature to get instant help.

Q. How do I get paid?

Commissions from all sales generated are paid into your Clickbank account immediately. The money is then automatically transferred into your bank account every Wednesday.

Q. I’m not technical. Can I still do this?

Yes! You don’t need any special skills whatsoever. 

EVERYTHING you need to start building an email list and making money has already been done for you, which means it’s all point and click simple. 

Inside the members area, I provide you with full training showing you how to get everything set up step-by-step.

Q. How long does it take to set everything up?

You can literally be up-and-running in under 30 minutes from now.

Q. The $997 price seems a little high.

Compared to what?

I get paid $2,000 for coaching.

I get paid as much as $10,000 for 1-on-1 consulting.

The Ambassador training alone… with all the tools and licences you get with it… is worth a minimum of $73,000.

Based on all that, $997 is a screaming bargain. In fact, I’m planning to raise the price very soon. But it’s not too late for you to get involved at the current low fee of $997.

Some small thinkers might think the $997 fee to get access to a battle-hardened, proven system like this is “expensive.” (Although it’s actually MUCH less expensive than staying where you currently are!)

Well, here’s what I’ve found:

People who think the fee for this program is “expensive” are usually cursed with a poverty mindset instead of an INVESTOR mindset.​

You see, many of the people who have invested in this are seeing a positive ROI in only a handful of weeks. And although it’s not typical, a few have gotten a positive ROI in only days. 

If you’re the type of person who’s stuck in poverty thinking… and you view the fee for this program as an expense instead of an investment in yourself and your future… you can do one of two things:​

You can choose to not make the investment… and consequently lose out on the MASSIVE upside and HUGE potential right now… 

Or you can invest in yourself and feel GREAT about it because you finally have control over your financial future and peace of mind. 

With only one caveat, that should go without saying: 

You must be willing to follow some simple instructions and actually implement what I give you.

Listen, at only $997 this could be not only the biggest bargain you’ve ever got, but also the best investment you’ve ever made. 

Q. In addition to the Ambassador licence fee, how much startup capital do I need?

As we host everything for you there is no need to pay for hosting.

In fact, you only need to invest in an Aweber autoresponder account so you can email your subscribers.

You’ll pay just $20 a month (based on their annual plan) to use their service. The price will increase as your subscriber base increases but the cost for Aweber will be insignificant compared to the revenue you can generate from your mailing list.

As a side note! After investing in The Ambassador Program an Aweber account will be the most important investment you make for your business as the money is in the list.

Q. What if I need support?

I take great pride in the support I offer and I will be here to help you every step of the way. You will have unlimited access to me PERSONALLY via email for as long as you need it.

Q. Is this GDPR compliant?

Yes. This whole setup is GDPR compliant.

Who is John Thornhill?

Since launching my first product online in 2004, I’ve seen how digital products can transform lives in amazing ways. 

In 2019, I created the Ambassador Program to give people the opportunity to finally have the ability to earn high-ticket commissions and backend revenue without them having to build their own products. 

I’m thrilled at the idea of partnering with you to help you profit from my proven funnels! Click the button below to get started now, and let’s do this… 

John is a ClickBank Platinum seller whose digital products have netted him over $5 million in personal profits.

Since 2006, he’s helped over 3,000 entrepreneurs from around the world start (or grow) their online businesses.

These days, John specializes in helping freedom-focused individuals build successful online businesses, even if they don’t have the time to create their own products and hate selling.

© Copyright 2023 John Thornhill. All Rights Reserved. 

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ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 1444 S. Entertainment Ave., Suite 410 Boise, ID 83709, USA and used by permission. ClickBank’s role as a retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, statement or opinion used in the promotion of these products.

EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: You understand and agree that there are important risk factors that should be considered by you when deciding whether to invest in this training. NO EARNINGS PROJECTIONS, PROMISES OR REPRESENTATIONS. While my training has created hundreds of success stories, I have no idea of your experience, and more importantly your work ethic. You must recognize and agree that I have made no implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations or guarantees whatsoever to you about future prospects or earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your investing in this training. Any earnings or income statements, or any earnings or income examples, are only estimates of what I think you could earn. Some of my students make no money, some make a little bit of money, and some make a lot of money. What you earn will be down to a lot of factors that are out of my control.